Home Vacancies, February 2025 Consultancy service to provide on-site technical support to SCIF supported Private Fruit...

Consultancy service to provide on-site technical support to SCIF supported Private Fruit & Vegetable Nursery Owners’

Location:  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Deadline: January 10, 2025

Job Description

About the Job

  • Prepare fruit and vegetable nurseries technical gaps assessment checklist
  • Assess the technical needs for each supported nursery and develop a tailored action plan.
  • Provide technical support to 51  supported fruit and vegetable nurseries to ensure that they meet the national nursery standard.
  • Prepare and submit technically sound Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for certified fruit nurseries

About You

The required consultant should have at least bachelor’s degree in the field of horticulture or plant sciences and above 5 years practical experience on commercial fruit and vegetable nursery establishment, management and certified seedling raising practices. In addition to the desired qualifications, the consultant is required to have experience on the following issues:

  • Knowledge on the national fruit nursery and seedling certification standards,
  • Practical experience on setting up various nursery structures & facilities such as net house, greenhouse, propagation chamber, mist system, etc.,
  • Various fruit crops propagation techniques such as budding, grafting, layering, etc.,
  • Seed and nursery media sterilization techniques such as steam, solar, fungicides, insecticides, etc.,
  • Knowledge and skill on seedling disease and insect pest management practices,
  • Mother clone garden management practices,
  • Strong experience in networking nursery owners with input suppliers and seedling buyers,
  • Highly developed interpersonal and oral communication skills,
  • Comfortable working independently,
  • Creative and strong problem-solving skills,
  • Directly worked in fruit and/or vegetable nursery

Required Skills

  • Team work


How to Apply

Submission Guideline and Application submission date: Interested and qualified applicants who meet the qualification stated above, should submit their proposals as indicated below.

Full ToR can be downloaded from the below link:


Both the Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted in a separate sealed and stamped envelope or via email to: ettenders@snv.org.

Title of the specific assignment “Consultant to provide on-site technical support to SCIF supported Private Fruit & Vegetable Nursery Owners” should be mentioned in the envelop/email subject. Technical and Financial proposals should be in a separate envelop or separate email. SNV will not be responsible for proposals submitted without indicating title of the assignment on the envelope or subject of the email.

Proposals must be received by SNV Addis Ababa office to the address below no later than January 10, 2025, 17:00 close of business.

All submissions should be sent to: Physical submission SNV Ethiopia, Mexico Sarbet road Next to African Union P.O. Box 40675, Addis Ababa | Ethiopia Fax + 251 (0) 11 616 6252 Tele + 251 (0) 11 616 6232 or via email <ettenders@snv.org> as per the above guideline.