SPIR II Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – World Vision

Development and Project Management, Economics, Social Sciences and Community
Location: woredas in Amhara and Oromia regions
Career Level:  Senior Level (5+ years experience
Employment Type:  Contract



Job Description

Number of Position: One

Duty station:  SPIR II WV Regional Office (IP Office)

Strengthen PSNP Institutions and Resilience II (SPIR II) is a 5-year USAID/BHA funded Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) led by World Vision and including consortium partners CARE, ORDA and IFPRI. World Vision and its partners will create a strong, shock responsive ecosystem of public, private, and community level actors to support PSNP households to graduate from poverty and sustain income and food security gains in 17 targeted woredas in Amhara and Oromia regions. Building from key formative and research studies during an initial refinement period, SPIR II will use continuous learning to drive program level reflection, analysis, and adaptation.

Purpose of the position:

The Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator will lead monitoring, and evaluation activities of the SPIR II project and implementations of M&E Plan at WV regional or implementing partner (IP) levels by closely working with Regional RFSA Managers, Data Analysis and Reporting Coordinator, technical and MEL staff at IP and field (zonal) office levels and SPIR II consortium level M&E team. S/he leads and coordinates timely data collection with the required quality, data cleaning, aggregation, data analysis and production of high quality reporting for WV SPIR II Regional Office, and also support detailed implementation plans (DIP) preparations (with quarterly and annual targeting for DIP tasks/activities), implementations and its tracking at IP levels. S/he is also responsible for adopting consortium level IPTT (indicator performance tracking) and prepare IP/regional level IPTT that feed in to the consortium level one. S/he conducts field monitoring visits, ensure implementation quality monitoring, and do on spot check. The post holder is also responsible for conducting routine or internal data quality assessment (RDQA) so as to ensure that the data meet the required standards and can be used for reporting and decision makings and also ensure availability of all the required data, source documents and evidence for donor DQA. S/he coordinates and supervises MEL Officers at the field/zonal offices to execute their day to day MEL activities and functions at field level as per BHA M&E policy and guidance as well as SPIR II project needs and requirements and support the full implementations of mobile-based data collection (MDC) and management information system (MIS) at IP and field office level.

S/he is also responsible for MEL capacity building for IP/regional level and field office team and collaborate with SPIR II MEL team at consortium level where there is gaps in implementing the M&E activities and MEL capacity building. Possesses rich skills in quantitative data collection, cleaning and analysis and in the use qualitative approaches. S/he possess rich experience and knowledge of USAID/BHA M&E policies, guidance and requirements with proven experience and knowledge of those specific policies and guidance and is responsible for leading the use of indicator performance tracking table (IPTT), performance indicator reference sheet (PIRS) and other USAID MEL tools and processes. S/he supports SPIR II M&E systems, plans and tools development processes, and should possess rich working experience on USAID or USAID/BHA MEL guidance, policy and requirements

Major Responsibilities:

Lead the strengthening and implementation of SPIR II M&E system and ensure ownership of USAID/BHAs intensive M&E policies, guidance and requirements at SPIR World Vision/IP and field office level

  • Responsible for the harmonization and standardizing of BHA/SPIR II M&E processes, tools and requirements at WV regional Office/IP and field office level
  • Lead the monitoring, and evaluation activities of the SPIR II project at regional or implementing partner (IP) levels by closely working with all the team at regional (IP) and zonal (field offices) levels, and guide the team at all levels,
  • Contributes to preparations of detailed implementation plans (DIPs) at IP levels by ensuring that Detailed Implementation plans (DIP) activities and targets set at IP (regional level) are perfectly aligned with those activities and targets included at consortium level.
  • Supporting the IPs/regional and field level team to put a realistic target in the DIP, collect and aggregate quarterly data for DIP tracking (as per tracking table) so as to regularly gather information for quarterly reporting which will also input to the IPTT indicator values during annual results reporting, and produce DIP charts and
  • S/he is responsible for adopting consortium level IPTT by preparing IP/regional level IPTT with annual and LoA targets at IP levels, tracking progresses of those indicators quarterly and annually to feed in to consortium level IPTT tracking/results monitoring. Also, ensure target revisions when required.
  • Responsible for familiarizing IPs and field (zonal )office technical and MEL teams with USAID/BHA M&E policies, guidance and requirements ( SPIR IPTT, indicator handbook, PIRS, Theory of change, MEL Plan, tools) and ensure its ownership at all levels,
  • Conduct implementation quality monitoring (i.e., monitoring quality of project implementation at regular interval),
  • Coach/mentor field level team to collect, review and clean routine monitoring data with the required quality and standard using appropriate data collection tools, and then analyze and use the data for reporting, learning and adaptations at each IPs and field office level
  • Document and share critical findings for regional teams/IP and field office teams on a regular basis, by closely working with the Data analysis, Learning and Reporting Coordinator
  • Support the production of high quality quarterly, annual report (AR) and final reports as per quarterly and annual reports guidance, templates, and requirements together with the Data analysis, Learning and Reporting Coordinator
  • Support the production of high quality quarterly, annual report (AR) and final reports for Oromia Regional Governments and WVE national Offices as per their respective templates, and requirements together with the Data analysis, Learning and Reporting Coordinator

Ensure quality data collection, cleaning, storage, processing, aggregation, analysis and reporting on a timely basis with the required frequency

  • Contribute to the development of SPIR II new data collection tools with the technical team, update existing ones and ensuring the production and smooth flow of quality M&E data from field offices to IP level as per BHA M&E policy and guidance, indicator handbook, SPIR II PIRS quarterly and annually,
  • Ensure that the data is collected with maximum accuracy, and reliability meeting USAID data quality standards by closely working with the MEL and technical staff at the field offices and the community facilitators/community health facilitators who are directly collecting the data in the field,
  • Support the implementation of SPIR II mobile data collection (MDC) and MIS systems at IP and field (zonal) office level by closely working with SPIR II consortium M&E and MIS team, and ensure on-line and off-line data collection using MDC/tablets unless otherwise paper-based is required for some data,
  • Responsible for quality data collection, data cleaning, aggregation, analysis, visualization, indicator counting and reporting against annul and LoA targets in the IPTT, and use of the data for production of high quality technical report (quarterly and annual report) at IP level including tracking DIP progress,
  • Regularly do on spot check for data verifications and quality and ensure the field office M&E team continuously do data verifications and on spot-check for meeting the required quality standards,
  • Lead on the IPs data management processes at all stages of the data life cycle and levels to ensure effective and smooth functioning of all the M&E processes, tools, systems and products by working with all IPs and field office team as well as consortium level M&E and MIS team,
  • Conduct routine data quality assessments at least once in a year and support the IPs M&E team in conducting the routine data quality assessments.
  • Ensure that the data collected using MDC at regular intervals (weekly, monthly,  quarterly and annually) are accurate, reliable, and conduct internal/routine data quality assessments or systematic desk review and field validation/ ground truth to improve data quality, and data management processes,
  • Work as custodian of all SPIR II data, or evidence gathered at WV regional Office/IP level and reported to consortium level and others for audit purpose and future reference,

MEL capacity building for consortium level and IPs staff at all levels

  • Based on M&E capacity assessments or existing gaps at IP levels around SPIR M&E functions, the post holder will  continuously build the MEL capacity of SPIR II staff at IPs and field levels specially focusing on the field level M&E staff, technical staff and data collectors
  • Training on intensive donor (USAID/BHA) M&E policies, guidance, requirements including on BHA indicators, PIRS, and SPIR data collection tools
  • Capacity building on data collection, data cleaning, processing, aggregation, analysis, and reporting for field office technical and M&E staff at all levels (focusing on field office staff where there is real capacity gaps),
  • Mentoring of the field office MEL staff using various techniques (continuous daily support and, and mentoring MEL and program staff) on top of field level training so that all staff could own the MEL tools, processes, requirements (ensuring that all MEL task and requirements are delivered and adhered too) and use the data generated via M&E systems

Job Requirements

Qualifications:  Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

 Required Professional Experience:

  • Experience:  7 years and above working on designing and implementing M&E systems for international NGOs as M&E Coordinator, M&E specialist, learning and measurements or program quality specialists. Experience working with BHA/USAID/BHA projects or Feed the Future Project is highly desirable

Qualification required:

  • Master of Science Degree in Economics, Statistics, Social sciences, Development Studies and related fields

Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications:

  • Very good knowledge of diverse M&E approaches, practices, and tools; analysis and use of M&E data,
  • Proven experience in quality data collection, cleaning, analysis, aggregation, and reporting
  • Understanding of USAID MEL systems, practices and approaches  and BHA M&E requirements in particular
  • Excellent presentation, communication, writing, networking and partnering skills.
  • Highly skilled in data analysis using computer packages like Epi-info, SPSS, STATA,MS-Word, MS-Access, MS-Excel
  • Participatory program design and M&E and management,
  • A strong aptitude for organizational change, innovation, learning, team building
  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy, excellent problem-solving skills, flexibility, and ability to work independently
  • Fluency in written and oral English

Working Environment / Conditions:

  • Travel up to 40% of time.

How to Apply

Interested applicants are required to Write Position Title on the subject line and attach Current CV with three references & fill employment application form which can be found  http://docs.ethiojobs.net/wve-jaf.pdf ) and email before the closing date of this announcement to  Recruitment_ethiopia@wvi.org

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