OTP Nurse

Category: Health Care
Location: Bokolmayo, Somali
Career Level:  Junior Level (1+ – 2 years experience)
Employment Type:  Full time

Job Description


  • Coordinate and facilitate implementation of activities and prepare weekly movement plan to OTP, TSFP and SC/TFU sites
  • Monitor implementation of OTP and SC/TFU and program quality
  • Facilitate essential drugs, supplies and therapeutic products and follow up stock continuously and request supplies earlier.
  • Facilitate training, on job training and work closely with MOH staffs at Health posts, Health center and hospital and district level.

·       Organize daily, weekly and monthly over view and reports of OTP, SC/TFU & TSFP and share with the CMAM officer.

  • Ensure children discharged from SC/TFU are transferred to nearby OTP to continue their therapeutic treatment

·       Adherence to medical and nutritional treatment protocols and procedures for children and infants in OTP

·       Provide onsite training to HEW and nurses on the Management of SAM without medical complications

·       Ensure Job aids are available in Health posts (HEW quick reference, Look up table, report format, tally sheet, Plumpnut and drug stock control balance form)

  • Receive weekly reports from HEW at weekly basis, cross check the completeness and accuracy, and submit to Woreda Project CMAM Officer
  • Mentoring and assist HEW/HEW in decision of patients who are at severe risks and need to be transferred to nearby hospital when they become SAM with complications
  • Assist HEWs and Health workers in identifying patients who need to be transferred from OTP to SC, patients with failure-to respond to treatment and patients who need to be discharged.
  • In charge of OTP quality program implementation and monthly OTP activity should be linkage with OTP discharged
  • Responsible for supervising and manage plumy nut for those which SAM cases and ensure availability of required material like MUAC, registration books, Pen, weight scale, thermometer and pumply nut
  • Participate in capacity building training like receiving and given on job training during the health education sessions and ENA/BCC application
  • Follow up absentees/defaulters, cure rate, coverage rate, Death rate and keep current record of both beneficiaries and the staff (in both Health Centers and Health post/HW/HEW).
  • Supports the program integration with Woreda Health officer, Hospitals, Health canters and health post through on job trainings and supervisions in timely
  • Fixed the multi chart at every Hospital, HC and HP, put every visibility in our operation area who is doing what.
  • Weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly report should be printed and keep the record in the health facilities.
  • Participate coordination meeting taken place in the health facilities and report the feedback to the office
  • Prepare and send weekly and monthly consumption for OTP programme



Job Requirements


Qualifications and certifications:

§  Diploma/ Bachelor in Nursing, Nutritionist or Public Health.


·       Minimum three years working experience with NGOs out of which two year in OTP/TFU/TSFP settings.

Skills/Ability required:

§  Knowledge, training and experience in management of MAM and SAM with/without medical complication

§  Demonstrated skills in program planning, implementation and monitoring.

§  Demonstrated skills in peer group training, Training of Trainers and development of training materials.

§  Strong computer (Microsoft skills), and interpersonal skills.

§  Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team environment.

§  Good command in written and spoken Amharic, English and Local language is essential.

§  Good human relation skills.

§  Respect of Save the Children rules by anyone visiting the program;

§  Willingness to work under pressure and extra hour


§  Knowledge of the area and region where the post is located.

How to Apply

Application Information:

Please attach a copy of your CV and cover letter with your application, and include details of your current remuneration and salary expectations.  A copy of the full role profile can be found at https://stcuk.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en