NOVO Project Manager – Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE

Job Description

Job Purpose summary

Under the supervision of the Clinical Services Director, the Project Manager provides leadership in the planning, and management of Comprehensive SRHR Services in humanitarian settings and participated in  the Comprehensive ,integrated quality ,user friendly  and gender sensitive SRHR program component of the Association . He/.She is responsible in leading and support of field staff in the implementation of humanitarian related activities in line with approved (funded) projects for the NOVO, IPPF Stream 3 humanitarian emergency fund and other humanitarian projects. He/she maintains liaison with ministry of health humanitarian emergency response staffs .Regional Health Bureau, Zonal and district Health offices ,Local CBOs CSOs and ,FBOs  ,public and Private Health facilities and works closely with FGAE program team and other teams in the Clinical services department as well as with FGAE branch offices and Work Units The incumbent will take a lead in ensuring smooth implementation of the humanitarian projects as per the Minimum Initial Service Packages (MISP) in humanitarian settings. She/he also follows up and supports the direct provision of services as may be necessary at SRH clinics and ensures and strengthens the referral linkage of FGAE health facilities with IDP outreach sites. He/she will be a member of FGAE program management technical team working with the Clinical Director in accomplishing FGAE project goal and objectives. He/she works closely and harmoniously with relevant staffs at all levels – Head Office, Field Office and Clinics to ensure that humanitarian  activities are implemented and reported in line with approved plan and schedule of the projects.

Responsibilities & Tasks:-

  •  Lead the planning, coordination and implementation of FGAE’s SRH Programs in conflict affected areas and emergency situations
  • Provide technical support to program and clinic staffs on designing, implementation and provision of SRH services in humanitarian crisis
  • Build capacity of health care providers on SRHR services & Post-SGBV care through mentoring and supervision
  • Establish mobile/outreach sites at IDP sites and coordinate provision of comprehensive SRH services for IDP communities
  • Work in collaboration with public health facilities and establish referral system between IDP sites and health facilities
  • Facilitate community mobilization and identification of peer educators
  • Facilitate and ensure provision of post-SGBV care for rape survivors both at FGAE & public facilities
  • Ensure provision of SRH services for referred clients at public health facilities
  • Represent FGAE and actively participate in task forces/clusters established locally  to coordinate humanitarian responses by the government & stakeholders
  • Participate in coordination of technical partners operating in IDP settings
  • Liaise and work with the SBCC team to design, produce and air SRHR messages tailored towards the needs of IDP communities including information on available services
  • Work with the Training unit/Institute for the design of relevant training as well as development of relevant resource materials to support the training of various categories of individuals including Educators and promoters, counselors and service providers;
  • Participate in organizational Annual Budget Plan/ABP and take part in preparation of Clinical Services Department/CSD annual operational plan
  • Organize & participate in quarterly project performance review meeting with staffs and relevant stakeholders
  • Prepare budget plan and track budget utilization at project supported sites
  • Monitor and evaluate progress of the Project and lead project team in achieving project goals
  • Monitoring, documenting and disseminating specific results and lessons of FGAE SRHR Programs in humanitarian crisis
  • Provide leadership in the management of human and financial resources of the project
  • Collaborate closely with key stakeholders, including MOH, RHBs, local health offices, professional associations and other relevant partners working on humanitarian programs
  • Ensure that the project is implemented in line with the donor guidelines, that results and learnings are captured, shared to inform the project implementation where relevant
  • Submit narrative and financial reports regularly (bi-annually)
  •  Perform any other duties as assigned by immediate supervisor.

Job Requirements

Qualification: MPH/MSc/MA in Public Health, Demography, Health Economics, Sociology, Population Study and related studies.

Work Experience: 5 years of experience, of  which must have a minimum three /3/ years related experience after Master degree ,shall possess  progressive experience  project management within NGO and or public health sector (agencies implementing donor funded Programs/projects). She/he shall possess progressive experience in managing & coordinating the implementation of SRHR programs and projects in conflict affected areas and shall also possess competency/training on the following areas:

  • SRHR Programs in emergency situations/Minimum Initial Services Packages /MISP
  • Community mobilization and SBCC
  • Experience working emergency/humanitarian projects
  • SGBV and post violence care

How to Apply

Interested applicants should send non-returnable applications with CV and copies of credentials and other supporting documents with in 10 calendar days of this announcement to the following address.

Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia

Human Resource and Organizational Development Division

P.O. Box 5716

Addis Ababa

Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia is an equal opportunity employer and female applicants are highly encouraged to apply.

For more information about the Association please visite