Call for Consultancy Service to Conduct Explanatory Research (Re-advert) – Christian Aid, Ethiopia-

Category:  Consultancy and Training
Location:  South Omo, SNNPR


Job Description


Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We are a global movement of people, churches and local organisations who passionately champion dignity, equality and justice worldwide. We are the changemakers, the peacemakers, the mighty of heart.

Christian Aid in Ethiopia strategic priority areas include climate justice, Economic justice, humanitarian/resilience and addressing Gender and social inclusion as a cross cutting priority.

Cognizant of low level of participation of women and girls in decision making process, low access to legal and medical services, and inadequate protection and rehabilitation service to survivors of abuse in two woredas of South Omo, a three year project entitled ‘Empowering Women and Girls for Gender Equality and Advancement in South Omo, Ethiopia’ is designed. This European Union Civil Society Fund III (EU CSF III) project is implemented by Christian Aid as a co applicant in partnership with Women Empowerment – Action in South Omo Zone, particularly in Benatsemay and South Ari Woredas in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s (SNNP) region. Thus, as part of an effort of effective project implementation, conducting explanatory research on gender social norms in the aforementioned two project impact Woredas is deemed imperative.

In account of this Christian Aid is seeking the service of a qualified consulting firm who can conduct explanatory research on gender social norms as per the specified standards indicated in the terms of reference.

General Objective of the Assignment

The overarching objective of the mandate is to conduct explanatory research on gender social norms in South Ari and Bentsemay Woredas to contribute to the project’s outcome of empowering women and girls with increased participation in decision-making by utilizing their potentials as a result of creating a space for women collective voices and establishing women local advocacy groups. 

Specific objectives of the study are to:

  • Assess discriminating social norms that perpetuate gender inequality in the project Woredas
  • Identify reference groups that are influential for the norm, and who is critical in shaping and enforcing gender social norms
  • Explore how social gender norms disproportionally affect women, men, girls and boys
  • Find out men’s attitudes and their view towards harmful gender social norms?
  • Discover positive social norms within the study areas and provide corresponding evidence-based recommendation to maintain those norms over time
  • Provide context-based policy recommendation as per the research finding

Job Requirements

Competencies Required

  • Christian Aid expects track record and demonstrated experience regarding both qualitative and quantitative research and recommendation letters from organizations who commissioned such activities. Furthermore, the contractor should have the following minimum qualifications and experience:
  • Demonstrated experience in designing and conducting desk reviews, research studies, involving qualitative and quantitative components or similar research.
  • Extensive knowledge on violence against women and girls and issues related to socio-cultural norms and values.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting similar explanatory research on gender social norm.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, and excellent skills in data analysis.
  • Previous similar work experience in the Southern Region is highly preferred.
  • Experience in analytic report writing.
  • Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English

How to Apply

Interested applicants and those who find themselves eligible as specified above are requested to submit:

  • Cover letter and CV: Indicating education background/professional qualifications, all experience, as well as their contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate
  • Detail Technical Proposal In addition to detailed technical matters, the technical proposal shall provide a description of the firm including an outline of the recent experience in similar undertakings and a detailed plan for accomplishing the tasks described in the TOR. This proposal should be submitted with a separate sealed and stamped envelope.
  • Detailed Financial Proposal: – The financial proposal should list itemized details of costs associated with the research. All proposed costs should be expressed in Ethiopian Birr and this proposal should be submitted with a separate sealed and stamped envelope.
  • References: – A list of three former or current clients for whom similar work has been done together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Annexes- Registration license and copy of valid VAT registered certificate should be annexed. Any other documents or other information which the applicants feel will assist the proposal review team in evaluating the proposal may be attached as annexes

Potential consulting firms are invited to collect TOR for this assignment through email to or


The fore mentioned documents should be sealed separately and stamped and should be submitted to Christian Aid Office through the following address:

Ethio-China Avenue, In front of Tebaber Berta Building Wollo Sefer, NCA Compound.

Tel: Tel. +251 115 536850/1/2 Addis Ababa

F N.B The firm should submit all the specified documents in hard copy. Soft copy submission will not be accepted.

F All proposed cost in the finical proposal should be expressed in Ethiopian birr. Cost proposed other than Ethiopian birr will be automatically rejected from evaluation.