Developing 5-year strategic plan for Gambella Credit and Saving Institution (GCSI) – Mercy Corps Ethiopia

Category:  Business Development
Location:  Gambela
Career Level:  Senior Level (5+ years experience)
Employment Type:  Contract

Job Description

1.    Background of the TA Assignment

Mercy Corps is currently implementing the RISING project in the Gambella Region of Ethiopia which has the goal of improving livelihoods and economic opportunities for local populations as well as refugees.

Mercy Corps and Gambella Micro Credit and Saving Institution (GCSI) are seeking a national consultant to develop a 5- years strategy for GCSI. GCSI was established in 2008 and has 14 branches with total deposit and outstanding loan of Birr 130 million and 193 million respectively.

2.    Objectives and key deliverables of the TA Assignment

The overarching objective of this assignment is to identify the main bottlenecks and a roadmap to sustainability, profitability, and growth for GCSI while identifying opportunities and new insights to strategically drive GCSI in affirming itself as a key player in the Ethiopian financial market.

Key deliverables

(i)          Assess current internal and external context:

●       Review GCSI’s existing strategic goals and objectives and assess its performance.

●       Identify GCSI’s strengths and weaknesses, external challenges, and opportunities to get visibility on GCSI’s status.

●       Undertake stakeholder analysis and other analysis

●       Scan the Ethiopian market and conduct PESTLE analysis that clearly provides justifications for GCSI’s growth.

●       Provide an overview/market-scan (key challenges, success stories, and learnt lessons) of existing local microfinance institutions.

(ii)        Develop a 5-year strategic plan:

●       Through a consultative process and application of appropriate tools, identify focus areas and develop strategic objectives

●       The strategic plan will cover all key areas of the GCSI business, encompassing the objective to develop a more impactful microfinance institution.

●       As per collected market insights, clearly provide strategic direction of the GCSI ‒ its Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values. and Initiatives.

●       Describe GCSI’s target market (e.g., size and share, target customer profiles, main competitors, geographic coverage), existing and new products and services, including outreach targets, and delivery channels, including branches and more innovative delivery channels

●       Create financial projections and major performance targets including number of branches, deposit, loan, and digital financial service (DFS) expansion plan.

●       Describe the internal changes and resources required to realize these goals and targets, including those in the following areas:

o   Human Resources plans, including a new / revised organizational structure, recruitment and training needs, salary incentive structures

o   Marketing and new product development plans

o   Management Information Systems, including plans for new hardware and software

o   Digital Financial Services, including a high-level DFS strategy and implementation plan that identifies the key objectives and impacts of digitization, and identifies and prioritizes the digital opportunities across the organization, including delivery channels, process, and products

o   Key risks and how these should be addressed

o   Financial resources, including funding requirements and available sources.

o   Required improvements to guidelines, procedures, products, and manuals.

o   Office equipment and working environment improvements

●       Develop a work plan that clearly describes all the activities to be completed to implement the strategic plan, together with a timeline, responsibilities, and a budget for those activities

Job Requirements

1.    Expert Profile

●     At least ten-year demonstrated leadership in strategic and business planning, financial planning and analysis, program development and business development required

●     Solid experience in project management, development, and facilitation of planning sessions with senior leaders, directors, and management.

●     Solid working knowledge of Ethiopian microfinance and banking sector

●     Good experience knowledge with best practices of digitalize financial systems and core-banking systems


2.    Location and Time Schedule

The Technical Assistance project is expected to start in November 2021 and end in January 2021 (max. 3 months). The HQ of GCSI is in Gambella town.

How to Apply

1.      Tender details:

Submission of the proposal:

The consultant or firm should submit a proposal including the proposed methodology and approach, relevant experience and references and financial proposal.

The consultant(s) CV(s) should also be submitted as an attachment to the proposal to Mercy Corps by 5th November 2021, 17.00 East Africa Time (EAT).

Eligible companies/firms must submit the following:

⮚      Past track record and relevant experience

⮚      CV of consultant(s), team composition and company profile (if relevant).

⮚      Proposed methodology and work plan.

⮚      Copies of renewed business license and registration certificates.

⮚      Contact information of references

⮚      Financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs (including all related costs) in ETB mentioning the terms of payment.

⮚      Technical and financial proposal separately and in a sealed envelope should be sent to Mercy Corps Ethiopia head office, P.O.Box: 14319, Addis Ababa or Electronic copy can be sent to

⮚  can be used for any questions and clarifications; and only till 30th October 2021 5:00PM EAT

⮚      Failure to comply with any of the conditions indicated above will result in automatic rejection.

⮚      Application deadline is 5th November 2021 at 17.00 East Africa Time and proposals sent after this date may not be considered.

⮚      Please collect the Tender package from Mercy corps Addis Ababa office located Hayahulet, Afro Building, Tel. No. 251-11-111-0777 or sending request by email OR

can be downloaded from

⮚      Mercy Corps reserves the right to reject the bid fully or partially.

⮚      Please refer the tender package for the details.