Category:  Business Development
Location: Addis Ababa
Career Level:  Senior Level (5+ years experience)
Employment Type:  Contract

Job Description


Digital Gig Connection Platform to Create Employment Opportunities

for Women & Youth in Addis Ababa

Livelihood Improvement for Women and Youth (LIWAY) Program in Addis Ababa Funded by SIDA


Issuance Date: 09/11/2021

Deadline for Application:16/11/2021

This Request for proposal (RFP) is an exclusive, confidential, proprietary property of LIWAY Program (represented by Mercy Corps). It may not be copied, transmitted, or disclosed by any means without the express written consent of LIWAY Program (represented by Mercy Corps).

By accepting a copy hereof, recipient agrees to:

1) Be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein (including but not limited to the confidentiality provisions),

2) Use the RFP (and any related documents) solely for evaluation purposes and for responding to this RFP and

3) Return or destroy the RFP (and any related documents) LIWAY Program (represented by Mercy Corps)’s request or upon your decision not to respond to this RFP.

I.                 Introduction

LIWAY program is currently implemented by a consortium of partners composed of SNV Netherlands Development Organization (consortium lead), Mercy Corps, TechnoServe and Save the Children International. The overall objective of the LIWAY program is to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction, improved gender relations and social stability in Addis Ababa. Specific objective of the program is to improve the livelihoods of 200,000 poor people, of which at least 50% are women and 75% youth, by increasing their income and access to economic opportunities in Addis Ababa. Sida has recently extended the program by two years up to June 2024.

Mercy Corps is leading a Labor Market System, where labor information exchange infrastructure, childcare/domestic duties and referencing (risk & trust) are identified as intervention areas through a diagnostic study in the labor market system to address key constraints which greatly affected the participation of women and youth in the market. Under this diagnostic study, it was indicated that information on available jobs and matching services focusing on semi-skilled and unskilled job opportunities is scarce and difficult to find in Addis Ababa. Competition for work is very high, and this is accentuated by rural-urban migration compared to other cities in Ethiopia. To this end, LIWAY planned to design and pilot an intervention which promotes market-based solutions & incentives that enable actors in the core market functions to improve business performance that create increased employment opportunities for urban women and youth in partnership with private implementing partners on cost share basis.

II.               Goal

The purpose of this SoW is to invite a competent private partner who are willing and able to develop, pilot, and a digital gig connection platform to facilitate the exchange of labor information and provide matching services on cost share basis to create increased job opportunities for women and youth in Addis Ababa city. The partner is expected to scale up the model beyond the life the program and benefit more target group through job creation & increased income.

III.            Methodology and Date

 Public advertisement of SoW through newspaper is one of methods used to invite and select a potential applicant who has the capacity (skills) and incentives (willingness) to develop, adopt & adapt a business solution (gig digital connection platform) to address problems for our target groups. Through sharing costs in selected investments of a partner, LIWAY will try to buy down risks associated with a new business ventures or approaches, giving partners confidence to invest in new initiatives, and ultimately expediting increased employment opportunities & income for women & youth. The advertisement will be made through Daily Monitor, Reporter, and Fortune Newspapers and web portal. The total days for submission of a technical proposal is only five (5) days from the day of advertisement on the newspaper & web portal.

Job Requirements

I.                 Application Requirements

§  Applicants shall present their technical application and budget in the formats provided and shall follow the instructions and guidelines listed in these annexes.

II.               Risk Sharing Requirements

§  Applicants must provide a fully costed proposal of which Mercy Corps will fund a maximum of 50% to a maximum value. In addition, LIWAY may provide additional technical assistance to selected Applicants as appropriate.

§  LIWAY’s initial support will last for 12 months, although follow on support might be possible for a modification of the business model after this pilot period.

III.            Deliverables

§  Setting up and running a digital gig connection platform

§  Registration, training (soft skills), and matching of job seekers

§  System update and upgrade

§  System maintenance and support

§  Reporting and data analysis

§  Data & technical quality Assurance

§  Stakeholder governance

IV.            Eligible and Ineligible Applicant

a.      Eligible applicants

·        This call intends to support an array of potential private sector profit making organizations who has the capacity & incentives to develop, adopt & adapt a gig digital connection platform to facilitate jobs for women & youth in Addis Ababa.

·        Any formally registered private sector profit making organizations with renewed license which is proposing activities that support the objectives of the LIWAY as identified above.

b.     Ineligible applicants

·        Any organization that is prevented from receiving donor and specifically Sida funds.

·        Any organization which is proposing activities that do not support the objectives of the LIWAY.

How to Apply

I.                 Application and Submission Information

·        Proposal shall be submitted as per the format provided in English and may not be more than 10 pages in length. The proposal should be submitted in electronic and hard copy to Mercy Corps at the address below and should reference. Applications must be submitted no later than 16th November 2021, 4:00pm to Mercy Corps Ethiopia. Late applications will not be considered.

 The Proposal Package Pickup Location:

            Mercy Corps Addis Ababa Office, Yeka Sub-City,

            Kebele 08, House No. 377; around Hayahulet,

            Tel No. +251-11110777

 OR from       


To:  Mercy Corps /LIWAY Program

      Addis Ababa | Ethiopia