Job Description
CARE is a humanitarian non-governmental organization committed to working with poor women, men, boys, girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to economic and social transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls.
BERHAN – Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights initiative in the Amhara region of Ethiopia is a 42-month initiative funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), with funds from Austrian Development Cooperation, running from March 2020 until August 2023. BERHAN will target 31,396 women, girls, men, and boys in rural communities in Este and Fogera Woredas in South Gondar, where rates of FGC and EM are high.
How to Apply
Interested firms should send their request at to get the full TOR starting from October 18 to 22, 2021. Deadline to submit the proposal is November 1, 2021 at 5:00PM. All bidders must enclose the bid document sealed in the envelope and should submit their technical and financial proposal separately.
All applications clearly marked as “BERHAN – Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Project, Picture code development and audiovisual production Consultancy” should be submitted in person to CARE Ethiopia, Procurement Unit, Addis Ababa, around 22 Mazoria, behind Lex Plaza building, next to Ha’Geez Cultural Restaurant.
The supplier should have proven track record and experience in Picture code development and audiovisual production
Each respective bidder is required to attach legal, relevant to the required task and renewed trade licenses. Bids submitted in any other manner or not to furnish all information required may result in rejection of bid by the assigned bid committee members.
CARE Ethiopia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
For any clarification request please call 0116183294.