Job Description
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in more than 26 of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses, and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, is operating in Ethiopia since the 1970s. Currently, SNV Ethiopia is working in eight regional states and the two city administrations of Ethiopia, providing technical assistance and program implementation in Agriculture, WASH, and Energy Sectors. SNV is an open and learning organization that focuses on improving the lives of Ethiopian through a market based approach inclusive of women and youth. In its new Strategic Plan period (2019 – 2022), SNV will more explicitly aim for systems change including strengthening institutions and kick-starting markets that help many more to escape poverty beyond our projects. For more information on SNV’s operations, visit our website:
LI-WAY is a seven year (July 2017 to June 2024) programme implemented by a consortium of partners composed of SNV (lead), MercyCorps, TechnoServe and Save the Children International with the financial support from Sida. The overall objective of the LI-WAY programme is to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction, improved gender relations and social stability in Addis Ababa. Specific objective is to improve the livelihoods situation of 200,000 poor people, of which at least 50% are women and 75% youth, by increasing their income and access to economic opportunities.
Consultancy Objective
The overall objective of the technical consultant is ensuring effective technical coordination and management of overall LI-WAY programme implementation.
Job Requirements
Know How
- Very good professional experience in market systems development and facilitation (MSD/M4P).
- Excellent experience in facilitating stakeholders’ engagement including assessment of incentives and capacity (attributes and gaps);
- Experience in Urban livelihoods development activities; with demonstrated experience in promoting urban poor groups, especially youth and women engagement.
- Very good experience in team and project management.
- The provision of the required services will demand to work with diverse stakeholders including technical team within the consortium partner organisations and implementing partners. This requires very good facilitation skills, understanding and managing interests of different stakeholders (organisations), strong team working experience, and proactive learning and adapting management skills.
- Impact will be achieved by working with/through diverse market actors in the selected sectors of the LI-WAY programme (Labour, Microenterprise, Growth and Skills). Therefore, strong understanding of the incentives and capacities of these actors across the sectors is very critical. This requires strong analytical and stakeholders’ engagement facilitation skills and experience.
- Working with poor people, primarily women and youth, to realise increased income and thereby improved livelihoods will present a huge challenge. Many of the expected implementing partners may lack strong interest to work for the benefit those groups. This requires very good understanding of the context, history of the identified potential stakeholders for partnerships and strong negotiation skills to bring them on the same page on the overall objective of the collaboration.
Basic requirements
- Master’s degree or equivalent and documented education and training in relevant disciplines – such as in organizational development, business development, international development, economics, labour markets or a related field of study – appropriate for market-based approach to employment and social protection in urban contexts.
Core competencies
- Knowledge and experience in Market Systems Development – MSD (Making Markets Work for the Poor – M4P) approach.
- At least 10 years direct experience in relevant working areas (institutional capacity building and strengthening, working with diverse stakeholders, market systems development, etc.).
- Experience in public and private sector development.
- Substantial experience of programme management of large-scale, complex development co-operation project.
- Demonstrated ability and experience of managing projects in a flexible and entrepreneurial manner, with a facilitative approach, while retaining strong focus on results and project implementation.
- Excellent inter-personal and communication skills with proven team-building ability, necessary to support, motivate and mentor staff and partners.
- Ability to create, incorporate or work with local organisations and actors in accordance with relevant Ethiopian context.
- Proven track record of managing project budget and financial planning
- Ability to create, accommodate and learn (ability to adapt to dynamic working environment), self-reliance in computer skills.
Additional skills:
- Demonstrated successful experience in leading institutional quality improvement processes.
- Excellent/very good documented analytical skills,
- Proven experience of networking and working in a multidisciplinary, multicultural and diverse team-working environment.
- Full professional proficiency in spoken and written English, and very good report writing and lessons documentation skills,
- Ability to create, accommodate and learn (ability to adapt to dynamic working environment), self-reliance in computer skills.
How to Apply
The detailed terms of reference and information on how to apply can be obtained by clicking the following link:
Both the technical and financial proposals should be in a separate sealed and stamped envelope by writing the name of the specific assignment.
2% withholding tax will be deducted from the consultant fees at the source and will be paid by SNV – Ethiopia, assuming a TIN number and license can be provided.
Proposals must be received by SNV Addis Ababa office to the address below no later than 18 October, 2021, 5:00 PM.
All submissions should be sent to: SNV Ethiopia, Human Resource Office, Africa Avenue; In front of the Millennium Hall; Next to the new Ethiopian Airlines five-star hotel under construction; 200 meter from the main road at the right side; telephone: +251 (0)11 616 6232
For any clarification and questions use the following email :
SNV Ethiopia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
NB. All submissions shall be in hard copy. Soft copy submission will not be accepted.