Call for consultancy service job at Youth Network For Sustainable Development (YNSD), Ethiopia

Category:  Consultancy and Training
Location:  Addis Ababa

Job Description

Youth network for Sustainable Development (YNSD) is non-government, nonprofit making indigenous organization which was found in 2003 by four school clubs and fifteen youth associations with the vision to see Ethiopian youth as capacitated, productive, self-reliant and health agents of sustainable development. YNSD has been registered under federal democratic republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Ministry of justice in 2004 and legally re-registered as consortium of Ethiopian resident charities by the Agency for Civil Society Organizations on February 2010 in accordance with Civil Society Organizations Proclamation No. 1113/2019 with a registration number, 1442.

As a member of the Able Generation for Empowerment project, YNSD plans to conduct a 3 days training on Coaching & Mentoring for members from the organizations to strengthen organizational capacity of the consortium.

Therefore, YNSD kindly invites a qualified consultant to provide the specified training that is planned to be held starting from November 8-10, 2021.

Scope of the service

  • The consultant shall work in close collaboration with YNSD, and will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
  • Identify, Review and analyze key documents relevant to the topic raised.
  • Review and analyze previous experiences of the organizations over the past years, organize and document the information to identify priority areas to focus.
  • Prepare pre and post-training test and assess the status of the trainees and the outcome of the training delivered.


Job Requirements


The consultant firm should submit:

  • Documents that show their legal personality, profile of the consultant firm, latest curriculum vitae/s of an individual assigned for the assignment , copies of registration and renewed trade license along with relevant 3-5-page technical and financial proposal.
  • TIN number and VAT Registration Certificate.
  • Cover letter that provides a short description of applicant’s capabilities that qualify the firm to be chosen to conduct the scope of work.
  • The proposals should be submitted to YNSD no later than October 28, 2021.

Prepare and deliver the training within the following scope and expected skills:

  • Understand and explain the purpose and differences between coaching and mentoring and how they can be used within the constraints of the humanitarian sector
  • Recognize the benefits of coaching and mentoring for different stakeholders
  • Describe the steps of a coaching model – What? So what? Now what?
  • Be able to hold a coaching and mentoring session
  • Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach used and identify how to improve it
  • Be able to implement the coaching/mentoring phases – set up (contracting), establish the relationship, structure conversations, review the process
  • Have the confidence to practice the skills
  • Be prepared to coach
  • Be curious to improve their skills further


Use a mix of simple and easy-to-understand teaching/training methods.

How to Apply

The applicants should submit the financial and technical proposal in person with WAX SEALED ENVELOP with “original” and “copy” of the quote to YNSD Office until October 28, 2021 before 5:00 P.M and late quotes shall not be considered.

Interested applicants could access the ToR of the training  through a request via an Email address of

YNSD’s office is located at CMC area (around CMC square), Bole Sub-City, Golgotha Tower 4th floor Telephone: •+251-11- 553 4141/011 553 4573

P.S. Only shortlisted early applicants will be considered.